What does the Mai Rui Bao xleco cycle mean?

Mai Rui Bao xleco has started the energy-saving mode. More economical and fuel-efficient, ECO is mainly an energy-saving mode. When it is started, it can achieve the effect of energy saving. When the optimal fuel supply is reached, the green word "ECO" will be displayed on the dashboard synchronously. The word "ECO" will disappear if you step on the accelerator hard, or if you encounter a climbing section.

Mai Rui Bao x mode

Standard mode vehicles can be integrated into most real-time road conditions when working under normal working conditions, and the sense of safe driving experience is also a good main performance, and the throttle response is also very effective and the comfort is not bad. Dynamic mode is often called "fitness exercise mode", in which the throttle response is more active.

When the automobile engine reaches a high speed, the transmission starts to shift gears, which ensures that the vehicle has good energy characteristics. The most direct experience is the improvement of vehicle handling. However, the strong driving force will inevitably lead to the aggravation of gasoline and diesel, the damage of transmission and diesel engine, and sometimes the application of power mode can remove the carbon deposit of the engine.