How to correct pelvic forward tilt for fitness?

Can't cure low back pain, where is the reason why the stomach can't be reduced? Because your pelvis leans forward!

Especially for mothers who have just given birth to a baby, most of them will have this problem. The abdomen is flabby and weak, and the lumbar spine is obviously bent. Because you have to hold the baby often, the pressure on the lumbar spine has not been reduced too much because of the birth of the baby.

Back pain often occurs, especially when holding the baby for a long time or just waking up in the morning, the pain will be more obvious.

Earlier, I explained to Ma Bao the relaxation and stretching of tense muscles caused by pelvic forward tilt (click here to jump), so in this issue, we will teach mothers to improve the problems of big belly and backache with simple and effective three poses.

1, stand against the wall

At first, your feet are about two and a half feet from the wall. You can put a ball or pillow on the inside of your legs, with your knees and legs bent about 120 degrees, and your back, waist, shoulders and back of your head should be completely against the wall.

2. Keep this posture and practice breathing.

When inhaling, feel the back of the lower back push back against the wall. When exhaling, hold the ball on the pelvic floor muscles and push the abdominal wall backwards at the same time, so that the lower back is completely seamless to the wall. Practice in turn, take about 10 to 15 breaths at a time, and get up and rest. You can practice three to five groups.

Pay attention to relax and stretch the tense muscles in the lower back before practice, so the effect is better ~

1. Kneel on the mat, grab an elastic band with your hand and put it right under your shoulder. The knee joint is opened just below the pelvis and is the same width as the pelvis. A pillow can be clamped on the inner thigh to press the instep or buy back the toes.

2. Keep the four physiological curvatures of the spine, stretch the lumbar spine backwards with the hips, push the head forward with the chest, and hold the abdominal ribs.

3. When inhaling, the spine will not move. When exhaling, the instep will press the cushion, the pillow will be held by the inner thigh, the pelvis will roll down, and the pelvic floor muscles will contract and push back to the belt, thus sensing the stretching of the waist muscles. When inhaling, the pelvis will recover and the waist will recover.

Cycle 8- 12 times in turn, and do 2-3 groups every day.

Note: before training, it is best to combine the relaxation and stretching of the tense muscles caused by the early pelvic tilt, and then the training is more effective! (Mom with lumbar problems suggested not to do it. )