What is the calorie of raw coconut latte?

The calorie of raw coconut latte is about 150 calories. A cup of raw coconut latte is equivalent to the calories of coconut milk plus American coffee. The calorie of coconut milk is 308kj, which is about 300ml, while that of American coffee is about 10 calories. It is estimated that the calorie of a sugar-free raw coconut latte is 150 kcal, and the fat reduction period can be calculated as 250 kcal. Related information: The first bite of raw coconut latte is rich in coconut flavor, which masks the original taste of coffee.


Coffee is a drink made from roasted and ground coffee beans. As one of the three major drinks in the world, it has become the main drink popular in the world together with cocoa and tea. Coffee tree is a perennial evergreen shrub or small tree of Rubiaceae. Daily drinking coffee is made of coffee beans with various cookers. Coffee beans refer to the inside of the fruit of coffee trees.