Is it better to drink milk or soybean milk after fitness?

Stuart Phillips of the Exercise Metabolism Research Group of McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, has studied the effect of drinking milk after exercise. He found that drinking milk after exercise is better than drinking sports functional drinks, and the effect of maintaining body moisture is 8% higher.

"Milk contains protein, which seems to be the most suitable for muscle repair. This is a unique casein, which contains amino acids, and its arrangement and combination are very similar to muscle protein. " Phillips said, "Milk also contains other important minerals and nutrients needed by the body, so it is rich in nutrients and good for you."

If you are lactose intolerant who can't drink milk, unfortunately, you won't find a substitute for milk. Some people may choose soy milk, however, this is not the case. "Although soy milk tries to imitate the efficacy of milk, it is impossible, because the protein of the two is completely different. Soymilk is just a drink created by mixing many nutrients together. " Stuart Phillips said, "Our data show that the role of soy protein in muscle growth and muscle protein synthesis is very different from that of milk protein."

Therefore, it is most appropriate to drink milk to supplement energy after exercise.