What should I do if I accidentally pulled my muscle during exercise?

Immediately apply cold compress to the affected area.

In the early stage of muscle strain, ice cubes or cold towels should be immediately applied to the strained area, or washed with tap water, because in the early 6 hours of injury, cold compress can effectively relieve swelling symptoms, relieve pain or spasm in the injured area, improve blood viscosity and reduce the flow of blood to the injured area in the body.

Dress the injured part properly.

After using cold compress to control swelling, we need to bandage the affected area and appropriately bandage the injured area, which has the functions of hemostasis, analgesia and prevention of swelling. Pay attention to the strength of the dressing, and be elastic and moderate. Too tight will lead to blood vessel blockage, too loose will have no effect. The dressing should be removed within 2 days according to the actual situation.

You can raise the injured part appropriately.

For the part of muscle strain, it can be raised appropriately if conditions permit, which can effectively prevent congestion and exudation of body fluids. Moreover, after lifting the injured part, the muscles in this part can also be relaxed, reducing the pressure and effectively relieving the pain symptoms.

You can get hot compress treatment in a few days.

About 4 days after the injury, we can treat it with hot compress, which can speed up the blood supply to the affected area, bring new cells to the affected area, help the wound heal and effectively relax the tense muscles. Hot compress can use hot towels, hot water bottles, etc. , each time about 15 minutes, hot compress 3 or 4 times a day.

You can massage the injured part later.

In the early stage of injury, it is forbidden to use massage, because early massage will aggravate the bleeding of the injured part, which will further aggravate the degree of swelling. Local massage can be done in a lighter way in the later stage of injury. If the skin is not allergic, you can properly assist some external sprays or plasters.

Avoid repetitive actions that cause harm.

For muscle strain, before recovery, we should avoid doing some repetitive actions that lead to injury. If you continue to use the injured muscle, it will further aggravate the strain and even tear the injured part. If you have to act, you should do it step by step, slowly, so that the muscles are no longer painful and supported by auxiliary equipment. Don't over-press the muscles to avoid the danger of pulling again.