How to install oracle under Apple system

1. Visit official website in Oralce and download related compressed packages.

Note: Under the mac Mountain Lion operating system, you need to download x86 or 32-bit version. You can't use 64-bit ones. Otherwise navicat cannot be used.

2. Compress all files into one directory (using /desktop/oracle).

3. Copy this oralce directory to the /opt directory.

Under the /opt directory, there is a/opt/Oracle/instantclient _10 _ 2 directory.

4. Set environment variables

a.? Use the cd~ command to enter the current user's home directory.

b.? The intransitive verb bash_profile modifies the environment configuration file.

DYLD _ LIBRARY _ PATH = "/opt/Oracle/instant client _ 10 _ 2 "?





Export NLS _ lang = "America _ America. UTF8 "?

5. Restart the machine, and then use env to check whether the environment variable is set successfully.

6. In the mountion lion system of mac, if this environment variable is set, then sudo is running:

Dylan: Dylan _ environment variable is ignored because the main executable file (/usr/bin/sudo) is setuid or setgid.

Actually, this is a mountain lion's? A bug.

But there are still ways to solve it. If the cause of the problem is the same as mine, just execute the following command and delete the first sentence of the environment variable configuration.

Sudo? Where is it? -s? /opt/Oracle/instant client _ 10 _ 2/libociei . dylib? /usr/lib/libociel . dylib