How to quickly change from weak to strong?

Rule 1: How do thin people get fat? How does the fat man become strong? How can a strong person become stronger? There is only one answer, and that is to eat! "But I eat a lot, but I can't grow meat. I think my metabolism is faster. Be serious-everyone uses this excuse. This is complete nonsense. Do you want to be strong? Or just complain that you can't grow meat? If you want to be strong, just do as I say. Count calories. If you don't count calories, you will never achieve your goal. In the end, you will only waste everyone's time and your life to ask, "how can I become strong?" "The only way to gain weight is to eat the right amount of food (calories). If you don't do this, any effort you make will not help you, no matter how much training you do or what special drugs you use, it will not help you. This is how the body works. Suppose it needs x calories to grow. If it gets it, it will grow-what grows is either fat or muscle. If you can't get it, the muscle will either keep its original size or shrink. How many calories? (Note: The following things may only be available in America) First, buy a calorie calculator and some measuring cups. It's also a good idea to buy some cheap weight loss watches. Finally, take a notebook with you. Next, calculate the calories of everything you eat on weekdays and add them up. Starting from tomorrow, eat 500 calories more than usual and try to spread it throughout the day. Go on this diet for a week. Then get up every morning (before eating) and weigh yourself. Have you gained weight? No? Then from next week, add another 500 calories a day. If you still don't gain meat next week, add more. If you can't eat more, try something with a higher calorie content, such as fat. If you gain weight, keep this diet; Until you stop gaining weight and add 250-500 calories. Policy: If you gain more than 1-2 kg a week, you should reduce 250 calories at this time until you get used to it. If you exceed this amount every week, you may gain most of the fat. If you can gain a pound a week, that's a lot. Do the math. If you continue to gain weight like this, you will gain 52 pounds a year and you will soon become very strong. If you are a thin person, maybe you need to add a lot of fat to your diet. Because fat is the food with the highest calorie, the calorie of fat is more than twice that of protein and sugar. So you can cram more calories into your stomach. Of course, you also need a lot of protein and vegetables. If you are really thin and weak, eating more fat has no effect on your health. -You have to train. Training can convert heat into muscle instead of fat. Don't eat = not long, eat+not practice = gain weight! There are some simple principles to follow in training muscle building: 1. Unless you want to take part in a regional bodybuilding competition, the position of your hand or other small things are not important. Changing the position of your hand by an inch or two won't make you stronger. 2. Don't do aerobic exercise-try to rest when you don't do training. What you should do is-train hard-without long time, variety, complexity and perfunctory-your training will be tense. After leg exercises, you should have difficulty even walking. After half an hour of hand training, even if I pick up a glass of milk, my hands will tremble. High intensity training is the key to gaining weight. 4. Keep your training below 1 hour. Never train the same muscle for two consecutive days. It is best to train once every three or four days. When you exercise your muscles, they won't grow. They grow up after training, provided that you give them time to rest after training. Spread out training, don't practice all parts at once. There is a simple reason. If you do high-intensity training, you will run out of energy after two or three parts, and the rest of the training is just a waste of time-and it will also delay muscle growth. Today is hands and shoulders, tomorrow is legs, and the day after tomorrow is chest and back. Chest and back training should not be arranged the day before and the day after hand training. Because you have to exercise your chest and back with your hands. Number and times of groups. Remember, our goal is to increase muscle. Do three groups of movements in each training, each group is 8- 12 times, each group must do it once, and can't lift again; Once a month, training needs to use heavier weights, so heavy that it can only be lifted six times. Beginners should adjust the weight you lift to reduce your fatigue to 8- 12 times. Never stop just because you can only do 12. If you can do 15 and 18, please keep doing it until you can't do it anymore. In this case, your next group should add more weight. Pause: After a certain stage, all the weight you gain is fat. Watch your waistline. If you really want to be strong, you will definitely accumulate some fat-first increase your muscles, and then try to get rid of them slowly. If you gain too much weight, look back for a while. When this happens, you can try the following methods: first, keep high calories, but try to reduce the fat in your diet. Do some aerobic exercise or walk during training. If this still doesn't work, cut down a little calories and let your muscles grow at the same speed. At this time, maybe you should stop gaining weight and start training to increase muscle strength, maybe for 3 months; Turn your excess fat into muscle.