Head health

Biceps biceps brachii: As the name implies, there are two heads, one is long and the other is short.

Triceps brachii: As the name implies, there are three heads.

Straight arm pressing down

Training steps:

1. Hands shoulder width, holding a short rod with a sheave.

2. At the beginning, the bar is placed at the height of the chest and the elbow is bent over 90 degrees.

3. Tighten the upper arm and push down the pull rod until the elbow is tightened.

Training focus:

Shoulder width grip is mainly aimed at the medial head of triceps brachii, and narrow grip is mainly aimed at the lateral head of triceps brachii.

With a straight bar, the front grip is mainly aimed at the lateral head of triceps brachii, and the back grip is mainly aimed at the medial head of triceps brachii.

Motion trajectory: the upper arm is close to the sides of the body to prevent the shoulders from moving. In order to effectively play the role of triceps brachii prime mover, only elbow movements should be allowed.

Body posture: The upright spine is the standard posture. When using a heavy exerciser, the torso is slightly bent in front of the waist, which can produce better stability.

The rope will produce forced internal rotation on the wrist, aiming at the lateral head training of triceps brachii.

Training steps:

1. Grab the parallel bars and pull up until the arms are completely straight.

2. Bend your elbow and slowly lower your body until your upper arm is parallel to the ground and your torso is straight.

3. Push yourself back and straighten your arms until they are tight.

Change posture:

Palm forward, one-arm dumbbell.

Training steps:

1. Use a positive grip with a narrow grip distance of 6 inches 15 cm.

2. Slowly put down the barbell and touch the middle of the chest.

3,。 Push the lever up until the elbow is tight.

Range of motion: In order to maximize the work of triceps brachii, the exercise must be full (fully stretched).

Reverse dumbbell bench press:

The hands are slightly wider than the shoulders, and the bench press in the reverse grip position is also aimed at the triceps brachii training.

Dumbbell hammer bending

1. Palm inward (thumb forward) and hold a dumbbell in each hand.

2. Lift one dumbbell at a time toward the shoulder, palms inward.

3. Put the dumbbell back in a straight position with the other arm and repeat the same action.

The main muscles are: brachioradialis.

In order to make the forearm more participatory, the wrist works vertically with the ground, and the thumb is upturned when lifting dumbbells.

Training steps:

1. Hands shoulder width apart, stretch your arms and hold the dumbbell.

2. Lift the barbell up to your shoulders. When you bend your elbow, your wrist bends upward and backward.

3. Put down the bar until the arm is straight and put down the wrist at the same time.

Range of motion: In order to make the forearm more involved, the wrist must be fully active. When lifting the barbell, the wrist leans backwards, and when lowering the barbell, the wrist bends downwards.

1. Palm inward (thumb forward) and hold a dumbbell in each hand.

2. Bend one dumbbell to the shoulder at a time, palms inward.

Tip: When you lift it, your thumb will go up.

Motion trajectory: In order to target the brachioradialis muscle, the dumbbell is held on the chest instead of the side.

Training steps:

1. Lie flat on a flat chair with your arms straight, and hold the dumbbell on your chest at a narrow distance, with your hands about 15cm apart.

2. Bend your elbow and put down the barbell until it touches your forehead.

3. Push up the lever until the elbow is tight.

Body posture: