What interest classes do adults learn?

The choice of adult interest classes should be based on interest, skill level and goal. Here are some suggestions:

Arts and Crafts: If you are interested in painting, sculpture and handicrafts, it may be a good choice to take arts and crafts courses.

Music: You can try to learn guitar, piano, saxophone and other musical instruments, or join a choir or vocal lessons.

Dance: If you like dancing, you can try to learn jazz dance, street dance, samba and other dances.

Fitness and exercise: If you want to stay healthy or lose weight, you can take fitness classes or learn yoga, pilates and other sports.

Language: If you want to learn a new language, you can take language courses, such as English, French and German.

If you like intellectual games, you can learn chess, Go and so on.

Adults should consider their own time, budget and goals when choosing interest classes, and choose the courses that suit them. At the same time, they can try different courses and find their real hobbies.