Beautiful back must be practiced. What are the skills of pulley pull-down, which is also an advanced pull-up action for beginners?

Reverse grip high pull-down, wide grip high pull-down, narrow spacing high pull-down and keeping high pull-down are all pulley pull-down techniques, which are also advanced actions for beginners. Reverse grip high pull-down: this action does not need too wide grip. Adjust the grip according to your comfort, just a little wider than your shoulders. When pulling down, make sure the chest is as high as possible. Similarly, pause 1-2 seconds in the action area. This is the key to the comprehensive expansion of latissimus dorsi.

Wide grip and high position pull-down: This is a basic action. First of all, we should keep our actions rigorous and avoid using force. Make sure that the handle is slightly wider than the shoulder, and move the scapula before pulling. This action can activate latissimus dorsi very well, and every drop-down variable should do the same. Also, keep your elbow slightly bent during the whole process and don't lock your elbow.

Narrow spacing and high pull-down: If you want to further separate latissimus dorsi, this action should be the first choice. Narrow grip can straighten the arm, which is the best position to isolate latissimus dorsi. Try to keep your upper body upright. Make sure you feel fully stretched at the top, but don't push too hard. Similarly, imagine your hand as a hook. Don't try to pull it with your arm. Consider using only latissimus dorsi to do this. Elbows should be as low as possible.

High brace pull-down: this action can stimulate the whole back, and the upper part of latissimus dorsi will get more stimulation, as long as it is done correctly. The grasping distance is shoulder width, and the palms are opposite. The body can lean back slightly, which can increase the middle area of the upper back, such as the middle of trapezius muscle and teres major. Be sure to do warm-up training before doing these actions to prevent injuries during sports.