What kinds of outdoor products are there?

Outdoor products classification out shoes hiking shoes, hiking shoes, hiking boots, climbing shoes, upstream shoes, beach shoes/sandals, outdoor leisure shoes, snow shoes and rubber shoes, clothing accessories, hats, gloves, headscarves/ear protectors, outdoor glasses scarves/scarves raincoats/ponchos/overshoes, outdoor socks, special outdoor sports equipment, outdoor fishing equipment, mountaineering and ice climbing, and cross-country. Bungee jumping supplies, drifting supplies, tire pressure gauge, vehicle-mounted cooling and heating box, vehicle-mounted air pump folding bicycle components, riding clothes, riding helmets, ski helmets, snow goggles poles, travel supplies, clothes sorting bags, shoe bags/bags, first aid bags/medicine boxes, waterproof bags, sundries bags, anti-theft wallets with straps/ropes, personal wallets, personal identification bags, washing bags, travel. a name = 1 _ 12 & lt; /Outdoor Furniture Wooden outdoor furniture, rattan outdoor furniture, outdoor fitness equipment