What's in the punching bag?

Boxing sandbags are filled with sawdust, shavings, sand, rags, old clothes, silk cotton, wheat, corn and beans. Some of them are hollow. When the solid sandbag wraps sand, put sand in the middle, and then add some rags and old clothes next to it, which has buffer space.

Sandbag coats are generally made of leather or artificial leather, with nylon cloth or canvas inside, and there is a bag with a height of 10 cm and a thickness of 30 cm in the middle, which can be filled with some soft silk or cloth to prevent silk and broken old market pieces from depositing on the bottom of sandbags and filling them up.

Boxing learning needs to practice skills slowly. The first thing to master is explosive power. When practicing, you need to focus on explosive training, you can practice fast squat, dumbbell hook, dumbbell pendulum and dumbbell flat hook.

Boxing training also needs a sense of rhythm. A good boxer has his own rhythm. They can train skipping rope, changing one foot, abdomen with both feet, double shaking, leg lifting with one foot and so on. , can enhance the sense of rhythm.

The rhythm of boxing is also very important. Boxing needs to match the pace of punching. You can train by agile ladder, and you can train your endurance by jogging for 5 kilometers every day.