Should I wear tights for fitness?

My perennial fitness tights have the following advantages: it is easier to find out the changes and shortcomings of my body, and it looks beautiful, which conforms to the dress etiquette of the gym. Will not affect all kinds of large-scale sports, and will not be hooked anywhere. Some clothes, such as Asics tights, can tighten muscle areas, while others can improve breathing and muscle pressure. When running, the abdomen tightens, and personal feelings have a stabilizing effect on the core muscles. In terms of brands, individuals often wear clothes. Personal rating: NIKE COMBAT PRO (Aesthetics 5 Functionality 3 Comfort 5)UA (Aesthetics 3 Functionality 3 Comfort 4)ASICS Internal Muscle (Aesthetics 5 Functionality 5 Comfort 4). I especially like his pants. The three-dimensional patch is cut, the design is beautiful, the top is slightly tight and the area is tight. More suitable for running. The price is also the most expensive (coat and trousers add up 1300 RMB). Some brands are bought in Decathlon, and some are cost-effective.