Time set 7 aerobic decomposition action Can the rusty water in the electric kettle still be drunk?

You can't drink boiled water after the electric kettle rusts.


1, internal rust belongs to iron oxide, which is not beneficial to human body and is not ionic iron needed by human body;

2. Usually, iron pots use Fe+2HCl=FeCl2+H2 to boil water, here is ferrous iron, which can be directly absorbed by people.

However, when the iron pan rusts, iron oxide is formed, Fe2O3+6HCl=2FeCl3+3H2O, and trivalent iron is not directly absorbed.

3. The component in the kettle rust is magnetic copper carbonate. If the human body ingests too much, symptoms of nausea and vomiting will occur, and even shock will occur in severe cases.

4. The surface of the heating rod of the electric kettle is generally nickel-plated on the surface of the copper tube, which generally does not rust. If it rusts, the surface coating is damaged and copper is exposed. Copper rust is green basic copper carbonate (commonly known as copper rust), which is harmful to people's health.

To sum up, the electric kettle is not suitable for boiling water directly after rusting, which is harmful to human body.