Don't just use large weight and low number of groups in the training skills of shoulder deltoid posterior beam

Shoulder muscle group is a part that many people practice, and it is also one of the most important muscles to support the overall appearance of the upper body. But many people also call it deltoid muscle, because the main muscle groups are divided into three muscles: anterior fiber, middle fiber and posterior fiber. It is mainly to assist the arm to move in all directions, and there are some differences between training methods and functionality. In addition, many people easily forget the training of the posterior deltoid muscle, especially for those with developed dorsal muscles, many jobs of the posterior deltoid muscle will be replaced by the dorsal muscles. Let's explain the training skills at the back of deltoid muscle, so that you can train more efficiently if you want to practice well or not.

For the shoulder deltoid posterior bundle, which is difficult to recruit, you only need to have a large weight and a low number of groups to stop training. Many people think that muscle training should be carried out in several ways. However, it is not necessarily a good way to increase the weight as much as possible in training, and the posterior deltoid muscle bundle is also a difficult part to recruit. Therefore, our focus is on how to focus on the posterior bundle and use multiple light weight training to make the muscles of the posterior bundle of deltoid muscle feel more.

Generally speaking, deltoid muscle will be divided into three bundles, front, middle and back, and trained with different movements. In order to accelerate the muscle growth of shoulder and back, we can divide the back muscles into three small parts for training, and improve the training efficiency of this part as much as possible without overtraining. Basically, according to different training methods, we can divide the back muscle of deltoid into the following three parts.

1. Lateral and posterior junction of deltoid muscle

Usually from the first half of deltoid muscle, the muscle's response to training is weak, especially to the back muscle, because the lateral deltoid muscle plays an extremely important role in all kinds of pushing movements. In addition, when doing side lift training, you will find that the first half of the lateral deltoid muscle is stronger than the second half. If you want to train to the joint of deltoid muscle by side lift, you can use dumbbell or rope machine to lean forward 10-20 degrees for training, or at the beginning of training, the little finger side is slightly upward, and when the arm is raised horizontally, the dumbbell moves forward slightly, and then the little finger position is slightly higher than the thumb, which can prevent the deltoid muscle from rotating unnecessarily. Simply put, it is to influence the performance of muscle strength through the forward leaning of the body and the position of the palm, so that the junction of the lateral and posterior deltoid muscles can be effectively trained independently.

2. The middle of the posterior deltoid muscle

This part is the most important part of the posterior deltoid muscle. We can take the action of leaning over and lifting sideways as the main training action. Whether using dumbbells, rope turbines or fitness equipment, you can train this part. The common point is to stretch your arms to both sides as much as possible. In addition, prone body and side lift can be trained frequently, or they can be trained in descending groups (inverted triangle training skills) every time.

3. Posterior deltoid muscle

The best way to strengthen the rearmost muscle of the shoulder is to thicken the deltoid muscle. However, because the muscles here can only be effectively recruited by traditional shoulder training methods, they can be effectively trained by infraspinatus's training action (pulley turning shoulder). In addition, if you want to strengthen this part of the training effect, it is best to focus on the contraction period, not the extension period.

JEFF explained the training and operation of the posterior deltoid:

The back shoulder of deltoid training, like many less developed muscle parts, can be strengthened with more frequent training frequency, but this does not mean that we should always use the training strategy of maximum weight and maximum number of groups in training. On the contrary, we can use light weight and heavy weight alternately appropriately, so that we can train without overloading every day. The key to weight selection is the weight that can do 5- 10 group training, which is also an important training method for difficult muscles. Don't think that using large weight and low number of groups is the best training method.

Reference//Men's health, muscle health
