How to play the rowing machine in the gym and how to use it correctly?

Effluent stage

Trunk: moderately inclined

Upper limb: pull the grip under the ribs.

Lower limbs: the legs are completely straight.

Rear paddle stage

Trunk: lean forward in the direction of the fan blades.

Upper limbs: the shoulders are relaxed and the arms are gradually straightened.

Lower limbs: when the body leans forward and the arms are relaxed and straight, the legs slowly bend their knees.

Water entry stage

Trunk: it is enough to keep the forward tilt angle in the back paddle stage.

Upper limbs: the shoulders are relaxed and the arms are relaxed and straight.

Lower limbs: The knee flexion angle that the individual feels comfortable is about that the lower leg (tibia) is perpendicular to the slide rail.

Paddling stage

Trunk: the extension of body angle is to complete the stroke and paddle with the upper limbs when the kick of the lower limbs is about to be completed.

Upper limbs: In the initial stage of rowing, hand support is very important. Although it is not the main source of power, the closer it is to the stage of water, the more important it is to bend the hand and use the back muscles backwards.

Lower limbs: the force exerted by the legs on the pedal is the first start of pulling the paddle and the most important source of strength. Therefore, using the thigh strength quickly (quadriceps femoris is the most important) to extend the angle of knee joint will be the key to determine each stroke.