What is the best exercise for aerobic exercise with resistance belt?

The resistance belt can do a lot of exercise. You can easily do a very good weightlifting exercise with your bracelet. If your goal is aerobic exercise, you can do weight training quickly and continuously like HITT exercise.

For example, when doing push-ups, put a yoga belt around your back and palm to increase resistance.

Combine this example with other exercises such as squats and pull-ups.

Doing these exercises and taking less rest will definitely get you into the aerobic exercise area. Personally, I like to add some flat support between these exercises in order to have a rest and rest between these more powerful exercises. Do 4-5 flat support exercises in the middle, and you will have a very good hitting spin.

Another thing I have seen but never tried is to tie a belt around my waist. If you have a treadmill and an unfinished basement, you can walk around the post. I don't quite understand what you mean by raising the slope. I'm just telling you for educational purposes. I wouldn't recommend it.

Another great movement is an improved version of flat support, similar to Superman's movements. When you lie flat on your stomach, you will cross your feet to the opposite hand and stretch your arms and legs at the same time (traditional superman).

Or you can do the same thing, but in the position where the forearm is supported by a flat plate, or stretch your arm and the other leg and stretch your belt, which increases the difficulty of exercise.

With the resistance belt, I found that I can do any exercise in the gym with it. Of course, you also need a resistance belt with all kinds of bags, handles and clips. You can do this job with only your own body or doors, columns or even benches. You can do experiments. ?

Whether it is listed as aerobic exercise depends on your training method. Weightlifting is generally not a job, and its purpose is not aerobic exercise and cardiovascular health. The work cycle in which your heart rate will not rise is too short, and the rest is relatively too long. However, if you put them together as a cycle, then there is no rest between "steady state" or short-term high-intensity work and proper rest, which will be called HIIT, and both will be classified as aerobic exercise. In this case, you can use the resistance belt to increase the resistance almost whenever you need to use barbells or other unnecessary exercises.

I always say that the best exercise is the one you want to do. Follow this concept and enjoy it in combination with your personal fitness goals.