What kinds of dances does popular dance include?

Hip-hop originated in sub-Saharan Africa and was the product of the development of jazz dance in 1990s. Its movements are composed of various combinations of walking, running and jumping, and are composed of joints of head, neck, shoulders, upper limbs and trunk, such as flexion and extension, rotation, circle, sparkling, wave-like twisting and so on. Each movement has its own specific fitness effect, not only paying attention to the upper and lower limbs, abdomen and back.

It became popular in China in 1980s. Tap Dance △ Shirley Temple tap dance movie "Little Colonel", Shirley Temple and tap dancer bill robinson contributed the classics in the history of tap dance. Formed in the United States in the 1920s. At that time, Irish immigrants and African immigrants brought their hometown dances to the United States, and gradually merged to form a new dance form-tap dance. The form of tap dance is open and free, and it does not pay attention to dance, but emphasizes the rhythm of hitting between toes and heels. In the performance, dancers need to put on special tap shoes, tap on the floor with their feet, and make the sound of "kicking and stepping", plus dance, to show the unique humor, humor and rich expressive force of tap dancing.