What would you do differently if you were 20 years old again?

1. Start building your brand/business now, and it is best to create something terrible. It sucks. It sucks. Not so good. It's ridiculous to be in your twenties, so you can fail quickly and learn from your mistakes. You will never be perfect. So let's start now.

If I start building my own brand in my twenties, I can easily build a 6-7 figure company before quitting that sad job. Life will be much easier, and I will have more opportunities to enjoy wonderful experiences. If you have entrepreneurial spirit, start now. The rapid development of failure. Learn quickly. There is no point in waiting.

2. Go to college, but forget GPA is not important. In modern economy, if dropouts know how to cultivate a marketable skill, they can easily get an MBA degree. But that doesn't mean I won't go to college. I like my college life. I learned a lot about social dynamics, time management, personal development and dating. Besides, when can I have four years of uninterrupted study time?

So go to college. Choose a major that interests you. But don't worry about your GPA. If you focus on developing a valuable skill, your English score of 202 is not important. Think of college as an experience, an opportunity to hone yourself, and an opportunity to enjoy life. But don't feel pressure about it (because it really doesn't matter). For example, my editor,1dropped out of school at the age of 9 and 22, and spent all his free time on writing and marketing.

Don't start a relationship too early. For most people, falling in love in their early twenties is a bad idea. This is especially true if your parents are divorced, just like mine. Take time to figure out what you want from a man or a woman. Dating. Have fun. Know many people.

Just a date. There is nothing wrong with monogamy or long-term relationships, which is risky. But usually, they are not worth it until you figure out your own problems and live in your life for a long time. In hindsight, I wish I hadn't fallen in love, but focused on improving my dating and social skills. I will have more fun, so that I can avoid heartbreak several times and find a relationship that I know I really want.

Read more books (learn more topics). I wish I could read more books in my early twenties. Specifically, I wish I could read more books on different subjects. I spend a lot of time reading books on business and personal development, but I have never set foot in novels, science, history or other more interesting topics. I learned some of the most important life experiences from biology and evolution. Some of the best business experiences I have learned come from biographies and history books. Expand your horizons and read more books than you do now. I promise, you'll be fine.

Don't work so hard, just don't like it. Hard work, yes. But no more than 50 hours a week. When I was about 25 years old, I worked 70 to 80 hours a week, trying to build my own business. I never spend time with my friends. I never do what I like to do. As a result, I became depressed, anxious and miserable. Working hard in his early twenties. This will lay the foundation for your future success. But don't sacrifice your life in the name of almighty dollar.

6. Keep drinking … just better. Unlike many other writers here, I don't regret drinking or trying drugs in my twenties. I had a good time and did some stupid things. Now they are all good stories. What I regret is the way I drink. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't get drunk 2-4 nights a week. I will drink moderately and enjoy alcohol. I will know the nuances of different wines, brandies and whiskies. I will teach myself the art behind this craft. I won't drink to get drunk, nor will I drink to give myself courage.

But I will drink because of its fun and the social connection it creates. Avoid using drugs or alcohol as crutches in your early twenties, because I promise that things will not get better. However, if you really like the taste of craft beer, wine or tequila, drink a glass or two anyway. Just don't do it because you want to escape from reality.

7. Never lose your health. Finally, I will persevere in the gym and never let my body fall. I will start practicing yoga, meditate, eat clean food and maintain my skin in my early twenties. If I had paid more attention to my health when I was young, it is hard to say how I would feel now. When I was in my early twenties, my only regret was that I didn't become healthy, fit and strong earlier.