What if you can't read books? Not interested in this knowledge! Besides, it's no fun to keep looking at your mobile phone.

The solution is to make it a habit. William james, a master of psychology, has a classic comment on habits: "Plant an action and reap an action; Plant a behavior and reap a habit; Plant a habit and gain a character; Plant a character and reap a destiny. "Habit is a long-established way of thinking and attitude towards life. Habits are formed by repeated thoughts and actions. Habit has a strong inertia, just like spinning wheel. People often use their habits involuntarily, whether they are good habits or bad habits. It can be seen that the power of habit-inadvertently will affect people's life. Generally speaking, habits can be formed in purposeful and planned training or in an unconscious state. And good habits must be formed in conscious training, which is not allowed and impossible to form spontaneously in the unconscious. This is the fundamental difference between good habits and bad habits. Compared with other habits, bad habits are difficult to change after they are formed. As the saying goes, "A leopard cannot change his spots. "Fundamentally speaking, the formation of any good habit will not be easy.

To cultivate a good habit, we must first study its importance, because only by understanding its importance can we have a strong desire to cultivate this habit.