What does a cross tattoo mean?

The cross symbol is the oldest and may have many mysterious meanings. The cross is a universal symbol that has existed since ancient times and represents the sun. Babylonian sun god, who usually used circumscribed circles to form sun gears. In addition, the cross also symbolizes the tree of life and is a symbol of reproduction. Vertical bars represent men and horizontal bars represent women. This cross appears in Mexico, Peru and, most importantly, Central America, implying four kinds of winds, which are the sources of rain. The cross has always been associated with Christianity. Nevertheless, it cannot be used as a symbol of early Christianity.

French Neolithic cross symbol The cross is a universal symbol that has existed since ancient times, representing the sun. Babylonian sun god, who usually used circumscribed circles to form sun gears.

There is a meaningful connection between the cross and sun worship. Sheriman noticed that the cross appeared on pottery and on the threads of pedals (about the Trojan religion) (ibid., p. 325). With the change of the flashing disk, two adjacent objects appear at a time (same as above). In the Bronze Age, especially among Gauls, crosses often appeared on pottery, precious stones and coins.

In addition, the cross also symbolizes the tree of life and is a symbol of reproduction. Vertical bars represent men and horizontal bars represent women.

This cross appears in Mexico, Peru and, most importantly, Central America, implying four kinds of winds, which are the sources of rain. Dakota Indians in North America also use crosses to represent the four seasons.

The meaning of the early cross of Bacchus, the ancient Roman god of wine, is reflected in China's ideographic writing, which is an equal deformation with a box.

The cross on the sun depicts four rivers in the sky. According to the Bible, this is a river flowing from the Garden of Eden, which is divided into four directions. Therefore, this concept has been included in the story of Genesis (Genesis 2: 10). At the same time, it has special geographical attributes to these four rivers, and also embodies the theme of a flowing river. They flowed from God's source through his morning star, which was Satan at that time. Origin and significance

As early as in ancient Egypt, the ancient Egyptians living on the banks of the Nile marked the height of the Nile flood with crosses and predicted drought and grain harvest. If the height of the river does not reach a certain height in the right season, the crops will not bear fruit. Therefore, the ancient Egyptian cross was worshipped as a symbol of life and reproduction.