Is American coffee really Italian coffee with a little water?

But because coffee is not very common in China, people's understanding of American coffee is not very clear. So someone told others that American coffee is actually Italian coffee mixed with water! First of all, American coffee can be black coffee made of drip coffee or espresso with a lot of water. The taste is light, because the extraction time is longer than usual, so the caffeine content will be higher. Similarly, its refreshing effect will be very good.

American hand-brewed coffee

So it can be said to be an Italian coffee to some extent, but it can't be absolutely said to be an Italian coffee. Because espresso is mixed with water, it is still espresso.

Italian coffee machine

Nowadays, American coffee in many coffee shops is actually made of Italian coffee mixed with a lot of water. If you want to make your own American coffee, it will be simpler, more delicious and, more importantly, more affordable. American coffee Ming Che is light and almost transparent, and sometimes you can even see the coffee color at the bottom of the cup. Mostly used for drinking alone, or for weight loss and fitness occasions.

Café Americano

And Italian coffee has a strong taste, which is difficult for people who rarely touch coffee to get used to, so more people will choose to order some fancy coffee. Espresso is the basis of almost all fancy coffees. There are some differences in taste and so on, except for the differences in their extraction methods and machines. Everyone who knows coffee knows that different coffees are ground into different powders. If you use American coffee, it is usually a little thicker powder, while Italian coffee powder is very fine. Of course, there may be some subtle differences between different machines, but this is the general direction.