How about protein powder? Is it useful for fitness? . . .

Protein powder contains zinc, magnesium, vitamins and other ingredients. Although it is really beneficial to the body, too much intake will also have some adverse reactions to the human body. For example, if steroids and other hormonal drugs are absorbed too much, women will have strong androgen secretion, increased appetite, thick body hair and even a low voice. If the daily intake of vitamin E exceeds 800 mg, it will lead to blurred vision, breast enlargement, diarrhea and dizziness, and cause flu symptoms; Excessive use of vitamin C is prone to frequent urination and nausea, and scurvy occurs after stopping taking medicine; As for zinc and magnesium, although they are essential trace elements for human body, it is also wrong to use them too much. Excessive zinc can cause acute gastroenteritis, vomiting and abdominal pain, and even gastrointestinal bleeding in severe cases. If patients with renal insufficiency consume too much magnesium, it will lead to hypermagnesemia, decreased blood pressure and insanity. "

Reminder: Ordinary people don't need to take protein powder specially.

Protein powder is whey protein component or its concentrate extracted from milk. Its main function is to promote the synthesis of muscle protein and improve immunity, so it is often used for patients in recovery period after operation. In order to modify muscle lines and increase muscle strength, athletes usually take protein powder. In addition, the intake of protein powder after extreme exhaustion exercise also helps to eliminate fatigue and promote recovery.