Iwatch's keep is not many kilometers.

What you want to ask is what happened to iwatch's keeping the kilometer unchanged? The reason for this is the following:

1. Location service is not turned on: When using the motion tracking function of AppleWatch, you need to turn on the location service of the watch. Go to Settings on the iPhone, select Privacy, and then turn on Location Services.

2. Location service is not authorized: If the location service is turned on, but the motion tracking function still cannot record the distance, it may be because the application does not have access to the location service. Go to "Settings" on iPhone, select "Privacy", then select "Location Service", find the motion tracking application (such as "Health" application or third-party motion tracking application) and open its location authorization.

3. Incorrect motion type: If the motion type currently set by the motion tracking application does not include distance-based motion (such as running and walking). ), the distance cannot be recorded. Just select the corresponding motion type in the motion tracking application.

4. Set the wrong unit system: It may be that the unit system on your AppleWatch is set incorrectly. Enter the settings application on the watch, select General, then select the language and region, and check whether the selected measurement unit is set correctly.