What does it mean to reduce saturated fat? What does it have to do with health?

What does it mean to reduce saturated fat? What does it have to do with health?

It is harmless to eat some in moderation. You don't have to be afraid of saturated fat at all It will not reduce good cholesterol, nor will it increase the oxidation of bad cholesterol. The more saturated fat, cholesterol and high-calorie foods you eat, the lower your serum cholesterol, the lighter and more energetic you are.


Your body will use saturated fat and other types of fat for various important purposes. Fat is the source of energy. It also plays a key role in producing membranes that surround body cells, including the brain.

Fat can also keep skin healthy, buffer organs and promote the production of hormones, which are chemical messengers involved in various processes in the body. The human body produces all the saturated fat it needs. It is problematic for you to eat too much from your diet, especially from animal foods, because too much will lead to an increase in the level of "bad" cholesterol.


Saturated fat can significantly increase blood lipids. On the one hand, blood lipids in the body are captured by foreign aid, that is, if there are more fat components in food, especially saturated fat from animals, the increase will increase blood lipids.

On the other hand, the liver can also synthesize blood lipids, and food or some sugar and protein in the body can be used as raw materials for synthesizing blood lipids. If these two sources increase obviously in the body, or genetic factors increase the ability to synthesize blood lipids, both of them can cause hyperlipidemia with abnormal lipid metabolism.

Hyperlipidemia, especially low density lipoprotein cholesterol, is the chief culprit of atherosclerosis, that is, plaque grows in blood vessels, and the expansion of plaque narrows and contracts blood vessels. Plaque rupture can cause acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, because thrombosis will occur locally. If the plaque falls off, it can cause local distal embolism and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


In order to control blood lipids, the most important thing is to pay attention to less oil, less salt and less sugar in diet. Many animal foods contain a lot of saturated fat, so if you eat a lot of high-fat meat and fat, or even other high-fat junk foods, it may bring about an increase in saturated fat income and aggravate dyslipidemia. Therefore, in order to prevent the abnormal rise of blood lipids, the most important thing to reduce blood lipids is lifestyle, that is, light diet and balanced nutrition, and try to reduce the intake of saturated fat.