Does Benxi North Xuanshi have collection value?
Benxi North Xuan Shi is very collectible. The xuanshi in the north of Benxi is white and green, such as Cangshan, where it is snowing; Amazing, picturesque peaks, the shape, quality, color and rhythm of Benxi stone are amazing. Benxi stone has many shapes, mainly composed of calcite, mica and silica. The colors are natural, including green, pink, yellow and gray. Pink is the most common color, while yellow and white are rare. Benxi stone, known locally as Benxi stone or Maya stone, is a unique ornamental stone in Benxi area. When Benxi Stone was first published, the market awareness was not high. In order to sell, stone merchants entered the market under the names of "Xuan Shi" and "Benxi Xuan Shi". Because it is similar to the more influential traditional stone "Xuan Shi" in quality, color and shape, it is also called "color propaganda" by traditional Xuan Shi collectors. After the opening of the market, in order to distinguish it from Xuanshi, it was gradually named after Benxi Stone.