What oil is healthier for cooking?

Olive oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, etc. Among them, olive oil is made from fresh olives by direct cold pressing without heating or chemical treatment. And basically retains the natural ingredients. It is considered to be the most suitable oil for human nutrition among the oils found so far.

What oil is healthier for cooking?

Peanut oil is an edible oil with fragrant smell, delicious taste and easy digestion, which contains sterols, wheat germ phenol, phospholipids, vitamin E, choline and other nutrients.

It is best to choose cold pressing, virgin pressing and organic oil to buy edible oil, and try not to buy artificially refined edible oil.

It is suggested to choose edible oil according to different smoke points, because oil will degrade and deteriorate at smoke points, not only the nutrients will be destroyed, but also harmful substances will be produced.