Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to regulating the balance of yin and yang and the operation of qi and blood in the body, and can absorb proper nutrition through diet to make the body more balanced. Exercise can strengthen the body and activate the circulation of qi and blood. Acupuncture and massage can stimulate meridians, regulate qi and blood circulation in the body, enhance immunity and prevent diseases. Herbs can relieve symptoms and even cure diseases by regulating the balance of yin and yang in the body.
Chinese medicine pays attention to individual holistic treatment, which is an important difference between Chinese medicine and western medicine. This also means that Chinese medicine treatment needs comprehensive examination, syndrome differentiation and treatment, and long-term attention. Western medicine tends to treat the symptoms locally, and it is difficult to cure the disease.
In a word, TCM health preservation is a therapeutic method to maintain health by adjusting the internal balance of the body. Dietotherapy, exercise, massage, acupuncture, herbs and other methods have different scope of application and functions. However, it should be noted that TCM health preservation needs to be carried out under the correct guidance to avoid adverse effects.