Baby stool color reveals intestinal health!

Understand the mystery of baby's stool color and easily judge the intestinal condition! The changes of bilirubin and biliverdin in intestinal bile reveal the secret of baby's intestinal function. Breast-feeding and breast-feeding have different stool colors, which are related to intestinal pH value.

Green stool

When the baby's stool is green, it may be because of intestinal dysfunction, hunger, cold and other reasons. For breast-fed babies, green stools may be a temporary phenomenon, which will gradually improve as the baby grows up. And breast-fed babies should pay attention to whether the stool is abnormal because of hunger or cold.

Add complementary food

Babies of four or five months need to start adding complementary food to meet the needs of physical development. Mom and dad can try to add auxiliary food, such as custard, tofu, vegetables, porridge and so on. If the baby doesn't adapt at first, you can try it many times, starting from a small amount, and gradually let the baby adapt to semi-liquid and solid food.