What is the common sense of ear care?

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Ear care to maintain a good mental state. When people are emotional or anxious, the secretion of adrenaline increases, which can cause spasm of arterioles in the inner ear and slow blood flow in arterioles, leading to insufficient oxygen supply to the inner ear and sudden deafness;


Ear health care and scientific eating habits. Eating more foods rich in zinc, iron and calcium can reduce the lack of trace elements, thus helping to dilate microvessels, improve the blood supply to the inner ear and prevent hearing loss;


Ear care: use or disable drugs harmful to auditory nerve with caution. Aminoglycoside antibiotics are ototoxic drugs that have the greatest damage to cochlea. Therefore, avoiding abuse of these antibiotics is an important measure to reduce drug-induced deafness. Those who have a family history of ototoxic drug allergy should use such drugs with caution;


Ear health care to avoid long-term exposure to high decibel noise. Long-term exposure to high decibel noise will damage auditory hair cells and inner ear, which will lead to noise deafness. The noise of the factory will lead to occupational noise deafness, so try not to go to high-noise entertainment places such as karaoke and avoid listening to earplugs for a long time, otherwise it will cause hearing loss;


Ear health care often massages the ears. Massage can promote the blood circulation of the inner ear, such as massaging the auricle, pinching the earlobe, and massaging the Fengchi points on both sides of the hairline behind the neck. You can also sit still with your eyes closed, insert your index finger into two ear holes respectively, and then pull it out quickly, and do this for 10 times continuously;


Don't dig your ears. If the ear is pulled out improperly, it is easy to cause injury and infection of the external auditory canal, leading to swelling, inflammation and ulceration of the external auditory canal. If you don't pay attention to the ear, the ear spoon will also hurt the eardrum or ossicles, causing perforation of the eardrum and affecting hearing;


Actively treat diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cerebral arteriosclerosis and diabetes. Such diseases may lead to ear diseases.