After four months of research, Japanese scientists came up with a correct way to eat hamburgers, and three kinds of experts in mechanics, engineering and stomatology conducted investigations. In order to answer this seemingly simple question: how to bite hamburgers correctly, scientists spent four months trying.
There are three kinds of Japanese experts engaged in this research, namely mechanics, engineering and stomatology. After many experiments, they reached a consistent conclusion. In order to eat hamburgers correctly, you must put your thumb and little finger under the hamburger bag, while the other fingers should be placed on the hamburger. The essence of this suggestion is that in this case, "grasping" can prevent the ingredients from falling, while maintaining the integrity of the hamburger.
Most fast food lovers like to put most of their fingers on the bottom of hamburgers, while others put them on the top. They will no doubt be surprised to find that they have been eating hamburgers in the wrong way all their lives.
Japanese experts have great confidence in their research results. In order to draw a conclusion, they even made a simulation of eating hamburgers in a three-dimensional map. Facts have proved that the essence of eating hamburgers is that while eating hamburgers, hamburgers gradually lose their roundness, so it is required to be done with two hands instead of one hand.
By the way, in order to achieve the best effect, stomatologists advise consumers that it is best to heat the hamburger and repeatedly open their mouths and shut up before biting it with their teeth.