According to legend, there is a stream in Zhangjiaqiao, Yongfu Village, Xucun. The people living here are hardworking and simple, with simple folk customs and advocating reading and writing. Every time the sun sets, farmers and students in the village gather in the river to practice calligraphy after school. Adults who have worked all day rest by the river while watching the children practice calligraphy, and plumes of ink float up. After the calligraphy is written, please ask adults to taste it. Later, everyone washed the used brushes in the river. At this time, the ink on the brush dyed the river black. Over time, people are willing to call this river Moxi.
For hundreds of years, Moxi is still a river full of beautiful poetry, flowing day and night, reflecting people's yearning for a happy life in the future.
Now that the company has established a healthy home brand, it naturally thinks of "Moxi" in its hometown. The word "Moxi" contains rich local history and culture and explains people's efforts to pursue a happy life. The endless stream of Moxi embodies its tenacious vitality and endless pursuit. These elements are in line with the initial intention of the company to operate a healthy home.