English names of women beginning with v

Valda brave warrior female Valda is strong in ancient Norwegian, healthy female Latin Valencia brave female Latin valentina strong, brave female Latin valentina healthy female Latin Valerie brave, strong Valda brave warrior female ancient Norwegian Valda strong, healthy female Latin valentina brave female Latin valentina strong, brave female Latin valentina healthy female Latin Valerie brave, Strong Vanessa Butterfly Valda Rose Female Hebrew Valsa Rain Female Indian Varuni Valley Wine Goddess Fan Rooney Female Indian Wasanta Chunvasawi Thunderstorm God Indra's wife Female Indian Vashti beautiful female Persian Vasily Kirolle, Perillaceae plant female Greek Vasu Dara female Indian Shiva Suji female Indian Vasu is eager to become an extremely outstanding female Indian Vedic watchtower female ancient French Weiner female Indian Vega meteor female Arab Veleda inspired intelligent Teutonic Velica great and excellent female Slavic velvet, soft textile woman Middle English Vendela woman Scanvia Venetia is from Venice, and Italian Venetia is kind. The woman Italian Vera is sympathized, the woman Latin Vera is believed, the woman Latin Verena advocates spring, and the defender woman Teutonic truth is true. Truth female English Veronica vivid portrait female Latin Verrin female ancient French Vesna spring goddess female Croatian Vesper night female Latin Vevay white wave female Welsh Vevila has a beautiful voice female Gaelic Vevina lovely lady female Latin Vibhuti female Indian Victoria wins female Latin Vidette beloved woman Hebrew Vidya wisdom, Knowledge Vimala Vimolop, a clean and tidy woman, the mother of Indian Vinata Golden Bird God, the woman of Indian Vinaya proper manners, the woman of Indian Vinita, the woman of Indian Vinvella, the woman of French Violet, the woman of Latin Virginia purity, Maiden female Latin Viridis green female Latin Virini female Indian Visala paradise flying fairy Apsara female Indian Vita life female Latin Viveka battlefield fortress female German Vivian energetic female Latin Voleta masked men and women Greek Voletta masked men and women ancient French Vrinda virtue, strength.

The most popular English name TOP 100 comes from Britain, Arabia, Ireland, Germany, Russia, France, Africa, Celtic Latin Bible, Scotland, Spain, Latin America, Hebrew, Greece, Hawaii, Italy, India and India.