Can I enjoy shellfish with high cholesterol?
Shellfish here include shrimp, lobster, clam meat, oysters, squid, scallops, scallops and other foods. These seafood are not only delicious, but also rich in all kinds of precious minerals, even the content of protein is no less than that of meat and fish. People misunderstand them because some previous studies used improper analyzers. Because the analytical methods used can't distinguish cholesterol from cholesterol-like substances, the researchers came to the wrong conclusion that shellfish food contains high cholesterol. In fact, shellfish (except shrimp and squid) not only have lower cholesterol than meat, eggs and even some fish, but also have extremely low saturated fatty acid content. As I mentioned before, most of the cholesterol in blood comes from saturated fatty acids, so foods with low saturated fatty acids, such as shellfish and seafood, are very helpful to control cholesterol in blood. Although shrimp and squid contain higher cholesterol than other shellfish, they are especially inferior to meat, and their saturated fatty acids are much less than meat. In addition, a high cholesterol diet is usually not the chief culprit of elevated blood cholesterol. On the contrary, a low cholesterol diet will promote the body to produce more cholesterol. In addition, like fish, shrimp and oysters are also rich in unsaturated fatty acids that protect the cardiovascular system. No matter from which aspect, shellfish food is beneficial to cardiovascular health and blood lipid control. In addition to protecting blood vessels, shellfish food is also a valuable source of trace elements such as iron, iodine, zinc, selenium and copper. Except fish, ordinary food usually cannot supply so many trace elements at the same time. People often say that eels enrich blood. In fact, from the perspective of modern medicine, the blood-enriching skills of these shellfish are probably even worse!