How to find reference materials?

Baidu Academic can find references, enter keywords, and in the input year, you can find the corresponding references. If you don't know the requirements of the reference format, you can search Baidu and automatically refer to the document generator. Fill it out and come out.

Baidu search citation automatic generator, fill it in, and click Generate Citation to come out.

Author. Title [D] City: storage unit, release year.

Lin Li. Study on comprehensive health status of hospitalized burn patients and its influencing factors [D]. Fuzhou: Fujian Medical University, 2009.


Author. Title [J] Publication name, year, volume (issue): page number.

Shen Ping, Peng Xiangyue, Li Xiaojing, et al. The role of clinical pathway in the operation of foreign bodies in infant respiratory tract [J]. Chinese Journal of Nursing, 2012,47 (10): 930-932.

Author. Title [M]. Version. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: page number.

Hu Yan Nursing research. Fourth edition. Beijing: People's Health Publishing House, 20 12:38.

Author. Title. Name and publication date (edition) of the newspaper.

Ding Wenxiang. Digital revolution and international competition. China Youth Daily, 2000-11-20 (15).

Author. Title [EB/OL]. Website, publication date/citation date (optional).

World Health Organization. 10 facts about patient safety [EB/OL].

Others: [R], [P], [A], [C], [Z], etc.

1. Title: accurate, concise, eye-catching and novel.

2. Table of Contents: A table of contents is a brief list of main paragraphs in a paper. (Essays don't need to be listed in the table of contents)

3. Abstract: It is an excerpt from the main content of the article, which requires short and pithy content. The number of words can be as few as dozens, and it is advisable not to exceed 300 words.

4. Keywords or subject words: keywords are selected from the title, abstract and text of the paper, and are words with substantive significance to express the central content of the paper. Keywords are words used by computer systems to index the content characteristics of papers, which are convenient for information systems to collect and provide readers with retrieval. Generally, 3-8 words are selected as keywords for each paper, and a new line is set at the bottom left of the "abstract". Subject words are standard words. When determining the subject words, the paper should have a theme, and according to the indexing and collocation rules, it should be converted into standardized words in the subject glossary.

5. Paper body: (1) Introduction: Introduction, also known as preface, preface and introduction, is used at the beginning of the paper. The introduction should generally write the author's intention, explain the purpose and significance of the topic, and point out the scope of the paper writing. The introduction should be short and concise, and stick to the theme. (2) Text of the paper: The text is the main body of the paper and should include arguments, arguments, argumentation process and conclusions. The main part includes the following contents: a. Proposition-demonstration; B. analyzing the problem-arguments and arguments; C. solving problems-demonstration and steps; D. conclusion.

6. The references of the paper refer to the main documents listed at the end of the paper that can be referenced or quoted in writing. References should be marked on a new page according to GB77 14-87 "Description Rules of References at the End of Documents". English: Title-Author-Publication Information (edition, publishing house, publication date): Author-Title-Requirements for references listed in publication information: (1) The listed references should be official publications for readers' textual research. (2) The listed references shall be marked with serial numbers, titles of works or articles, authors and publication information.