1. Helps to relieve pain.
If you feel pain, you might as well listen to a slow music. A study published in Frontiers of Psychology shows that patients with fibromyalgia can relieve pain if they listen to their favorite music for ten minutes, whether it is pop music, folk music or classical music, as long as it is less than 120 times per minute.
2. It helps to concentrate
The next time you prepare for a work demonstration or study hard, listen to Vivaldi and Bach. In 2007, a study conducted by Stanford University School of Medicine found that listening to music in the late Baroque period led to changes in the brain, which helped to concentrate and store external things in memory.
3. Improve sports performance
The researchers asked 20 adults to do two sets of interval exercise. One is four 30-second "all-out" bike sprints with a 4-minute break. One group exercised with music, and the other group did not exercise with music. The results show that those who listen to music to exercise not only find exercise more interesting, but also are full of motivation and exercise harder.
Improve mood
As the weather gets cold, winter blues may make people unhappy. However, music can improve the mood. According to a study published in the journal Nature-Neuroscience, some classical music can make people tremble, thus promoting the release of dopamine and making people feel happier.
Let people feel relaxed and calm.
A survey found that listening to light music can make people drive better during the long and tired driving process. Researchers say that cheerful music makes people feel happy, while soothing music can make people calmer and drive better.