What are five kinds of bedtime yoga that help you?

The first formula

Sit on the bed, straighten your back, cross your legs, lie on the bed with your left hand, raise your right hand, and slowly extend to the upper left and the top of your head. At this time, your back is still straight and you can breathe evenly, left and right.

The second formula

First, kneel on the bed, press your hands on the bed, and slowly push your back up to form the shape of a bow. The thigh is perpendicular to the plane. This action can relieve the spine after a day's work.

The third formula

Fold the soles of your feet inward and press your knees down. You will feel pain in the inner thigh. At this time, the natural reaction of irregular ligament movement is to put your hands in front and bend down slowly, not bow your head, but your neck, back and waist are all down.

The fourth formula

Sitting on the bed, legs together, straight straight, at the same time will feel the waist is not straight, or as straight as possible, like long live down, face close to the calf. People who lack exercise will find this set of movements very hard and take a long time to adapt.

Fifth formula

After the third movement, the head is further pressed down, and the upper body is close to the plane of the bed. First press the waist and abdomen, then press the neck, and feel with the chin. This action is very effective for the decomposition of stubborn fat in your waist and abdomen.