Why is the computer always black?

Failure caused by host power supply: Black screen failure caused by damage or poor quality of host power supply is very common. For example, if some new devices are added, the display will have a black screen failure. After eliminating the quality and compatibility problems of accessories, the poor quality of power supply and insufficient power are the main reasons for the failure. At this time, you may still hear the continuous alarm sound of 12 from the internal speaker. Replacing high-power and high-quality power supply is the best solution to this kind of fault. In addition, some motherboards have dual power interfaces of AT/ATX, and the wrong jumper setting can also lead to such failures.

2. Failure caused by the quality of accessories: The poor quality or damage of computer accessories is the main reason for the failure of the black screen of the display. Such as motherboard (and motherboard CMOS), memory, graphics cards and other issues. It will definitely cause a black screen failure. If the display light is orange, it is the fastest solution to replace the lower graphics card, memory and even the motherboard and CPU by replacement.

3. Connection quality between accessories: Incorrect or loose connection between memory graphics card and motherboard is the main cause of black screen failure. Moreover, the connection problem between the graphics card and the monitor may also lead to this failure, until the AT power supply is plugged in incorrectly, or even the data cable of your hard disk or CD-ROM drive is connected backwards, which may also lead to the failure of starting the black screen.

4. Black screen failure caused by overclocking: overclocking or overclocking parts that are not suitable for overclocking will not only lead to black screen failure, but also cause damage to accessories in serious cases. In addition, overclocking or overclocking components are not suitable for overclocking, which will lead to poor heat dissipation, or the cooling fan will not turn when it is damaged during normal use, resulting in the system self-protection crash.