How to calculate bmi formula calculator

The calculation formula of body mass index by computer: body mass index = weight (KG)÷ the square of height (m).

The principle of calculating body mass index by weight-height ratio is very simple, which mainly includes two values: height and weight:

Calculation formula: body mass index = weight (KG)÷ height? (M)

For example, Xiao M is a 50kg person with a height of1.6m. His calculation result should be: 50÷ 1.62= 19.53.

A person's health index range should be: 18.5 ~ 24, and the index is the best and most normal between the two!

Brief introduction of body mass index

Body Mass Index (BMI) or obesity index is generally called body mass index (BMI) internationally, and body mass index (BMI) in English. It is a number obtained by dividing the kilograms of weight by the square of the meters of height. Body mass index (BMI) is also a commonly used index to measure the degree of obesity and emaciation in the world, and it is also a standard to measure a person's health.

Because everyone's body mass index is directly proportional to the height and weight of the human body, there are no children, children, men, women and pregnant women in the calculation results, and all the calculation methods are the same. However, you don't have to care too much about the accuracy of body mass index. After all, the body's obesity index and health level should be determined according to the actual situation.

Because there is a certain proportional relationship between a person's weight and height, the normal body mass index of the human body will change with the growth of the person. Because the body mass index value is widely used in the world, when we want to know whether a person is healthy, the first reference index is the body mass index, because the body mass index is closely related to your height and weight. When we need to compare and analyze the influence of a person's weight on the health of people with different heights, the body mass index value is a neutral and reliable indicator.