Garlic: Because garlic contains strong irritating allicin, eating garlic on an empty stomach will cause irritation to gastric mucosa and intestinal wall, cause gastrointestinal spasm and gastric colic, and affect gastrointestinal digestive function.
Tomatoes: Because they are rich in pectin, persimmon red acid and a variety of soluble astringent ingredients, if eaten on an empty stomach, these ingredients can easily react with gastric acid to form insoluble lumps, causing symptoms such as gastrointestinal fullness and pain.
Citrus: contains a lot of sugar and organic acids. Eating on an empty stomach will increase stomach acid, make the spleen and stomach uncomfortable, burp acid, stomach failure, and make gastrointestinal dysfunction.
Frozen products: drinking a lot of frozen food after exercise or on an empty stomach will strongly stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and heart, causing these organs to contract suddenly, which can lead to various disorders such as enzyme and chemical reaction disorder, endocrine disorder and female menstrual disorder over time.
Sugar: Scientists have found that eating a lot of sugar on an empty stomach will suddenly increase the blood sugar level, destroying the balance between acid-base and various beneficial microorganisms in the body.
Liquor: Drinking liquor on an empty stomach will reduce the blood sugar concentration in the human body, and hypoglycemia will soon appear. Brain tissue will be dysfunctional due to insufficient glucose supply, resulting in palpitation, dizziness, cold sweat and hunger. If the rescue is not timely, there will be hypoglycemia coma, which will lead to life-threatening.
Milk, yogurt and soybean milk contain a lot of protein. If you drink it on an empty stomach, protein will be "forced" to convert it into heat energy and consume it, which will not play a nourishing role. The correct way to drink it is to eat it with biscuits, cakes and other foods containing flour, or drink it two hours after meals or before going to bed.
Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach will stimulate the gastric mucosa, which will easily cause gastritis, gastric ulcer and other diseases for a long time. In addition, when people are on an empty stomach, their blood sugar levels are low. At this time, drinking alcohol is prone to hypoglycemia, and brain tissue will have dysfunction due to insufficient glucose supply, dizziness, palpitation, cold sweat and hunger, and hypoglycemia coma will occur in severe cases.
Drinking tea on an empty stomach will dilute gastric juice, reduce digestive function, and also cause "tea drunkenness", which is characterized by palpitation, dizziness, headache, fatigue and instability.
Sugar is a kind of food that is easy to digest and absorb. Eating a lot of sugar on an empty stomach will prevent the human body from secreting enough insulin to maintain the normal level of blood sugar in a short time, thus causing the blood sugar to suddenly rise, which is really unfavorable. Moreover, sugar is an acidic food. Eating sugar on an empty stomach will also destroy the acid-base balance and the balance of various microorganisms in the body, which is harmful to health.
Persimmons and tomatoes contain more pectin and tannic acid. These substances react with gastric acid to form insoluble gel blocks, which are easy to form gastroliths.
Bananas bananas contain more magnesium. Eating bananas on an empty stomach will suddenly increase magnesium in the human body, destroy the balance of magnesium and calcium in the blood, and inhibit the cardiovascular system, which is not conducive to health.
Hawthorn and orange contain a lot of organic acids, such as acid, maslinic acid and citric acid. If eaten on an empty stomach, the acidity in the stomach will increase sharply, causing adverse stimulation to the gastric mucosa, which may lead to abdominal distension, belching, acid regurgitation, and even aggravate gastritis and gastric ulcer.
Garlic Garlic contains a strong irritant allicin. Eating garlic on an empty stomach will strongly stimulate the gastric mucosa and intestinal wall, causing gastrointestinal spasm and colic.
Sweet potato Sweet potato contains tannic acid and gum, which will stimulate the gastric wall to secrete more gastric acid, causing heartburn, belching and other discomfort.
Drinking all kinds of frozen food on an empty stomach will stimulate gastrointestinal spasm, lead to various enzymatic chemical reactions disorder, and induce gastrointestinal diseases over time; Women also have menstrual disorders during menstruation.