In the health options list, there are many data categories. Here, we choose to add "fitness data" as an example.
In the classification of fitness data, we can directly use the number of steps, running distance and climbing floor of the data captured on the mobile phone.
Take adding "step count" statistics as an example. Please select the "Show on Chart Summary" option after clicking Open.
Return to the icon summary column of health application, and you can see the statistics of the steps of the day, and of course you can also view them by week, month and year.
Take counting steps as an example. Click Open, and then click "* * * Enjoy Data" option.
It can be seen here that the data source of step counting comes from iPhone devices, that is, these data come from the sensors of iPhone6 itself.
Of course, if you have other third-party health devices, such as smart bracelets, you can connect with the health on the iPhone6 to realize the unified collection and management of all data.