Some problems in learning are the most important and easy problems among students. Some students are faced with heavy learning pressure, some students are unable to cope, and some students are afraid and resist learning from the heart. Some students are ok at ordinary times, but they are nervous or even sick when they get to the exam, and some even feel tired of learning.
Second, about communication.
Some children don't like a subject. After a long time, the teacher will be prejudiced against the child, which will lead to the child's opinions on the teacher, and even produce antagonistic feelings and contradict the teacher face to face. There are also students who are not United, unable to live in harmony with their classmates, or bullied by their classmates in isolation. I can't communicate well with my parents at home, which causes the gap between parents and children.
Third, about growth.
In the process of children's growth, due to psychological and physical changes, there will be a series of problems, some are irritable, some are too closed to themselves, some are puppy love in adolescence, they can't face it correctly and make too extreme behaviors.
Fourth, about failure.
When I was a student, in the face of failure, some children could adjust their mentality in time, and some children lost confidence, depressed, depressed and hopeless, and went downhill from then on. These are all related to their poor ability to resist setbacks. They are usually too delicate, and they can't get out of their psychological shadows when they meet anything, which affects their study and life.