Does Wuxi travel itinerary code have an asterisk?

Wuxi trip code has no asterisk. Because there is no medium-high risk area in Wuxi, the trip code with an asterisk indicates that there are places you have been or passed directly under the green arrow on your communication big data trip card, and there are medium-high risk areas in the places you have been or passed, so an asterisk will be marked directly below the trip code. The remarks with an asterisk in the travel itinerary code are only for travel tips and have nothing to do with health, so there are no stars in Wuxi.

Function of travel code

The function of the trip code is to monitor whether people have been to a certain place, and to remind people whether they have been to the epidemic danger zone through the change of color. In order to effectively prevent and control the epidemic situation in COVID-19 and provide a basis for tracking the epidemic situation, the relevant state departments have developed a travel code, which records people's travel by using big data records. If people stay in a place for more than four hours, the travel code will record where people have been.