Zidetang modern Chinese medicine patent wax therapy technology organically combines Chinese medicine with wax therapy. Applying traditional Chinese medicine wax to meridian points can reduce tissue edema and promote drug absorption. So as to play the role of conditioning and treatment, be beneficial to the healing of wound ulcer and fracture, and also have the function of relieving pain and spasm. Zidetang traditional Chinese medicine wax therapy is non-invasive, painless, with few side effects, exact curative effect and simple and easy to operate. It can be widely used to treat diseases in orthopedics, such as cervical spondylosis, neck, shoulder, lumbago and leg pain, muscle and soft tissue injury, digestive system, gynecology, andrology, dermatology, cosmetology, pain, sub-health conditioning, etc., and is also helpful for the rehabilitation of nerve function and thigh function. These symptoms are all Zidetang traditional Chinese medicine.
1, Zidetang patented traditional Chinese medicine wax therapy can improve circulation, accelerate local skin capillary dilation, accelerate blood flow, promote blood and lymphatic circulation, and increase sweat gland secretion.
Zidetang patented traditional Chinese medicine wax therapy can absorb tissue edema, eliminate pain-causing media, absorb inflammatory infiltration, and achieve the effect of detumescence and pain relief. At the same time, in the process of cooling, the volume of paraffin gradually shrinks, and it is in close contact with the skin during treatment, which can produce compression and extrusion, thus promoting the transfer of temperature to deep tissues, preventing lymph and blood from oozing out of tissues and promoting the absorption of exudates.