The latest research shows that the art of singing should not belong only to professionals. Karl Aschaffenburg, senior chorus conductor and author of many works in this field? 6? 1 Heinz said: "human beings are born with this talent." Finding and enjoying a person's singing is not an easy thing to imitate. Researchers say that singing can enhance a person's expressive ability and significantly improve a person's health.
A study of 3 1 amateur singers by Frankfurt University in Germany shows that singing can stimulate the production of antibodies and protect the upper respiratory system from infection. The person in charge of this study said that singing, meditation and walking have positive effects on health. Volfram, Professor of Medical College of Shalitai University? 6? Sedna said that people who often sing can improve breathing, increase oxygen supply, stimulate the circulatory system and adjust their bodies to a "balanced and energetic" state.
Sedna said that singing is very important for mental health. In a society where power, money and work are above everything else, many people's musical talents are wasted. At the same time, the experience in music can also stimulate people's creativity in other fields. Sedna said that a series of studies show that men and women involved in the music field are more successful in their careers and they will become better team leaders. Trained soloists can use the subtle differences of voices to express some emotional information when they speak, and they can apply this skill to their daily lives and benefit from it. Sedna said that knowing how to express your wishes orally is a great advantage, and people who do so will become richer and more successful. Eva, a speech therapist and writer in Munich? 6? 1 Leschkey thinks that sound is the most important expression. Lashki said that if a person doesn't have all the power to control his voice freely, then he can't fully express himself and his quality of life will be limited. Singing can also protect the vocal cords and make the voice look young, and the voice of menopausal women will lose its range and softness. Studies show that singing is very beneficial to them.