What are the health standards for newborn babies?

Newborn health standards usually include weight, length, head circumference and chest circumference, body temperature, breathing, pulse and so on.

-Weight: The average weight of newborns is 3.5-4.5kg, and those below 2.5kg belong to immature babies.

-Body length: the average body length of newborn babies is 50 cm, and the head length accounts for 1/4 of the body length.

-Head circumference: The head circumference of a newborn is generally 33-36 cm.

-Chest circumference: The chest circumference of a newborn is generally 32-34 cm.

-Body temperature: The normal body temperature of newborns is 36.5℃-37.5℃.

-Breathing: Breathe 40-60 times per minute.

-Pulse: 120- 140 beats per minute.