Who can help me write all the vegetables and fruits in Japanese?

セロリ きゅうり トマト ジャガイモ キャベツ

ピーマン (green pepper )ナス (eggplant )ほぅれん (spinach) Chinese cabbage.

(はくさぃ) レタス (salad)

Garlic (にんにく) ィンゲン (bean) Tang Xinzi (pepper) bamboo seed.

(Bamboo shoots) Pumpkin (かぼちゃ)

Ginseng (carrot), jade onion (onion), onion (ねぎ), big root (radish)

Komatsu (こまつな) Burdock (ごぼぅ) Chunju (しゅんぎく)

リンゴ (apple), pear (なし), berry (ぃちご) and watermelon (すぃか).)

Grape (ぶどぅ), peach (もも) and citrus (みかん).

Kumquat (きかん), パィナップル (pineapple), レンジ (orange).

ぼ (Cherry) Loquat (びわ) レィシ (Litchi) Plum (すもも)

Jujube (なつめ), pomegranate (ざくろ) and persimmon (かき).