How to defecate is healthy

Peek at intestinal health from the number, color, smell or shape of feces.

The amount of defecation is calculated according to the size of bananas.

Intestines are letters of health. There is nothing wrong with this sentence. Maybe tell you that you can see a person's health from stool, and I believe friends will feel a little. . . . . . . Nausea: "God, learn shit." But, yes. The color, quantity, smell and shape of stool are closely related to human health.

China has Dr. Cai Yingjie, a doctor of defecation, and Asia has the chairman of the World Microecology Association, Guanggang Zhizu. They are all committed to serving intestinal health and have done a lot of analysis on the health information given by defecation. Here's your way:

Just as meteorologists judge the meteorological conditions at that time according to the snowfall and observe the "snowfall" first, we also observe the stool from the "excretion".

Generally speaking, the more dietary fiber intake, the more defecation.

Asians with a normal diet have a daily defecation volume of about 125 ~ 180g. If the dietary fiber intake is particularly high, it will increase to about 200 to 300 grams.

Perhaps the reader will say, "What is 100 grams of feces? Going to the toilet is sitting on the toilet, so how do you measure the weight of the stool? " Indeed, even if we abandon the traditional concept that "shit is dirty", it is impossible to weigh pieces of shit on the scale.

So we will tell you the approximate standard: the stool is about 15cm long and as thick as a banana, about 100g. In the case of Asians, they excrete feces once and a half to twice a day, and many people excrete feces about three times.

In the daily diet, eating less dietary fiber will reduce stool. So Europeans and Americans defecate less than Asians. It is said that Europeans and Americans only take 6 0 to 9 0 grams of stool a day, which is 1/2 to 1/3 for Asians.