With the increase of age, tissues and organs gradually degenerate. With the increase of age, the tissues and organs of the body gradually degenerate, and the oral cavity is one of them. Changes such as tooth wear, gingival contraction and decreased saliva secretion gradually began to plague the elderly. Some people lack knowledge of oral health care. For various reasons, if you don't pay attention to oral hygiene, you can't brush your teeth every day, and at the same time, with bad living habits such as smoking and drinking, the probability of suffering from oral diseases will increase. With the development of economy and the improvement of understanding, the elderly pay more and more attention to the quality of life and oral hygiene, but the basic state of oral cavity has changed, the treatment difficulty has increased, and the treatment effect is uncertain, so we must take precautions. Prevention is better than cure.
What are the symptoms of oral problems in the elderly? Old people are prone to get sick or get sick because of the decline of physical function. The tooth tissue of the elderly will gradually destroy and collapse, and if it is not treated in time, the teeth may fall off. Periodontitis is a disease involving deep periodontal tissue. Bone resorption, tooth loosening, repeated pain, repeated abscess and repeated periodontitis are the main causes of tooth loss in the elderly. It is reported that about 70% of the elderly have insufficient teeth. Tooth decay and periodontitis are the main causes of tooth loss in the elderly. Oral leukoplakia is a common mucosal disease in the elderly. When leukoplakia appears in oral mucosa, timely examination, early diagnosis and early treatment are needed.
The elderly should pay attention to oral health management and develop good oral health habits. Regular examination and early intervention can find oral diseases in time, effectively control the further development of diseases, brush your teeth effectively every morning and evening, clean the gaps between teeth with a toothbrush after meals, go to the hospital for oral examination regularly, clean dental calculus, get rid of bad living habits, and repair tooth deficiency in time, which can effectively maintain oral health. Have and maintain a healthy mouth, you can fully chew food and enjoy delicious food. As an important portal of digestive tract, it provides valuable nutrition for the body together with other organs of digestive organs. Can reduce the occurrence of systemic diseases. With a healthy oral cavity, you can express your intentions more perfectly and communicate with others better. The elderly are fully aware of their oral problems, understand the importance of oral health, and take active actions to protect their oral cavity.