Scientists have found that pregnant women who are pregnant with a male fetus consume 8% more protein, 9% more carbohydrates, 1 1% more animal fat and 15% more plant fat than pregnant women who are pregnant with a female fetus. A pregnant woman who is pregnant with a boy eats much more food during pregnancy than when she is not pregnant, but instead of eating different or weird food, she eats the food she usually likes.
Scientists say that the male hormone naloxone secreted by male fetal pills sends a "must eat" signal to mothers, which greatly increases their food intake. In addition, although a mother with a male fetus will give birth to a heavier baby, her own weight gain during pregnancy is not heavier than that of a pregnant woman with a female fetus, which shows that the sex of the fetus does not affect the mother's weight.
In addition, some medical staff have done research to predict the sex of babies according to some phenomena. Some recent research reports show that the more serious the pregnancy reaction in early pregnancy, the greater the chance of giving birth to a female baby.
In addition, I will tell you some old people's opinions and doctors' dialectics:
1. Judging from the shape of pregnant women's stomachs, pregnant women's stomachs are sharp and will give birth to boys; A round belly gives birth to a girl. In fact, the shape of the pregnant woman's belly has nothing to do with the sex of the fetus.
2. Observe the changes in the appearance and skin of pregnant women: if the appearance of pregnant women becomes beautiful and the skin becomes smooth, it is possible to have girls; On the other hand, if the appearance becomes ugly, the skin becomes rough, and even the face is covered with acne, it is possible to have a boy. Many people believe this statement, but it turns out that the credibility is not high.
3. Changes in the taste of pregnant women: Some people think that if the taste of pregnant women is different from that of the previous fetus, the sex of the fetus will also change. In fact, pregnant women like to eat sour and sweet, which has nothing to do with the sex of the fetus.
4. The speed of fetal heart: It is generally believed that if the fetal heart is strong and slow, it is more likely that the fetus is a boy; On the other hand, it is a girl. This method of guessing the sex of the fetus has a high probability of error.
In fact, boys and girls are the second, and the most important thing is to wish you a healthy and beautiful baby.